Did You Know if drinking Coffee Can Prevent The 4 Dangerous Diseases

Indeed sometimes coffee was considered only help when being sleepy because of the caffeine that can help. Even the presence of caffeine content in coffee often shunned people.

But behind it all, there's another benefit of coffee, namely could prevent some dangerous diseases. But remember in a reasonable measure, because if consume excessive coffee can indeed be bad for health, too.

Do You Know If Drinking Coffee Can Prevent The 4 Dangerous Diseases

Well than curious, what kind of dangerous diseases that can be prevented by drinking coffee? This Beirkut more information.

1. Prevent Diseases Parkinston

Do you know if drinking coffee may reduce the risk of disease parkinston. Parkinston this is a disease due to degeneration of the nerve cells of fungi is indicated with a sense of shaking and the weakening of nerves.

According to research that is in the "Journal Of the American Medical Association" in 2000 declared a coffee can lower the risk of disease parkinston which baisanya occur in the elderly.

2. Reduce The Risk Of Disease Deabetes

Do you know if your diabetes has a high figure for sufferers in Indonesia. Many illnesses suffered by most of these urban communities is very dangerous.

According to research conducted by testing eliminates the habit of drinking coffee on a person who habitually drink coffee, the results indicate there are linkages with coffee intake inflammatory that the cause of diabetes.

From this research reveals if drinking coffee can lower the levels of isoprostan and interlukin. In addition, this coffee can also increase HDL and lower LDL levels.

3. Liver Cancer

Already know right, if this cancer into the most dangerous diseases, let alone occurred in the liver. As expressed by "the Journal Of the National Cancer Institute" coffee "is useful to prevent the risk of cancer of the liver.

4. Prostate Cancer

According to Scince Daily if drinking coffee could help prevent the occurrence of prostate cancer. This is due to the caffeine it contains antioxidants and minerals.

Well that last was another benefit of drinking coffee that was able to prevent dangerous diseases. But still always note in consume coffee, do not be too excessive. May be useful.

10 Healthy Foods For Ideal Weight

10 healthy foods for Ideal weight

You want to keep eating a lot but stay slim? Do not dream. If you are consuming food with calories more than you need, body weight will automatically be added. But don't get discouraged just yet. There are some foods that can cause the effect of fullness longer than other foods. If a sense of fullness feels longer automatic you will not be searching for a snack to fill the emptiness of the stomach.

Choose foods that are high in fiber, protein and healthy fats and high water levels. The benefits, most foods are foods that also contain vitamins and minerals that your body needs. Here are 10 foods that can keep your ideal weight:

1. Apple

10 Healthy Foods For Ideal Weight

Apple is an example of a digestible fiber to combat cholesterol. Apple is also good as a source of vitamin c. Apple contains quecertin, plavanoid that could prevent cancer. To get maximum results, eat apples with Peel after clean up.

2. Almonds

Almonds are rich in fiber and protein, also great for source of iron, magnesium, and vitamin e. nut consumption of raw almonds or have been processed in order to get the best results. Avoid the almonds that are already seasoned with a lot of salt or processed in the form of sugary foods, as bad for Your diet program.

3. Blueberry

Blueberries are rich in vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants. The other type of berry also could be as good choices. Eaten when still fresh or added in the yoghurt, cereals and salad, the benefits of good health to keep the berry.

4. Spinach

10 Healthy Foods For Ideal Weight

The content of iron in spinach is relatively higher than other leaf vegetables (iron is a constituent of cytochrome, proteins involved in photosynthesis) thereby useful for patients with anemia.

Some cultivars of a. tricolor has a leaf is red or white and is used as an ornamental plant, though it can also be for vegetables. Other types of ornamental plants is a. caudatus because the flower bunches red long hanging like a tail. In the place of its origin, its seeds are utilized spinach (spinach seed) as a source of carbohydrates. This seed is now also popular as a diet food because it does not cause obesity.

5. Red Beans

10 Healthy Foods For Ideal Weight

Red beans are very rich in nutrients that build the body's health. Content of folic acid, calcium, carbohydrates and high-protein food made red bean indispensable benefits the body. Complex carbohydrates and fibre high levels cause a decrease in cholesterol in the body. Glycemic index levels on the red bean is also pressing problems diabetes disease symptoms frequently occur. Source of complex carbohydrates is located on red beans.

6. Broccoli

10 Healthy Foods For Ideal Weight

Broccoli contains vitamin C and dietary fiber in large quantities. Broccoli also contains glukorafanin, which is a form of natural anticancer compounds sulforafana (sulforaphane). In addition, broccoli contains compounds that isotiosianat, as sulforafana, already have anticancer activity.

Benefits of broccoli proved to be very many of them for neurological and eye health and reduces blood pressure. In addition, the content of calcium and vitamin K to make vegetable broccoli is also very good for bone health. Another interesting thing from this green vegetables is beneficial to skin health also is big enough, With fiber, broccoli is very beneficial to support a healthy diet. Because they can lose weight.

8. Salmon

10 Healthy Foods For Ideal Weight

Most types of fish and seafood is a healthy choice, but salmon is the most good with fish protein and amino acids of omega 3 high. In addition, salmon is also low in cholesterol.

9. Wheat

10 Healthy Foods For Ideal Weight

Wheat is one of the nutrient-rich food, especially carbohydrates, protein, fiber, and vitamin a. because wheat easily digested and made quite satiated, there is rarely a person who optimizes the benefits of wheat this by putting it into the daily diet minutre. According to some research, the institution became the largest part of the grain of the most nutrient-rich. The institutions section contains 80-85% of carbohydrates, protein, fiber, vitamin B1 (thiamin), vitamin E, and minerals (trace element). In the food industry, wheat is becoming a very important raw material in the manufacture of various food products, such as bread, pasta, biscuits, noodles, wheat flour, oatmeal, etc.

10. Soy

10 Healthy Foods For Ideal Weight

Soy and soy-based products has been associated with a reduction in appetite, so that it can help people to get rid of excessive eating habits that increase the risk of obesity and all the associated. But soybeans provide a high fiber and protein, so that if eaten in large quantities also causes weight gain. Therefore, soy is beneficial both for who want to lose or gain weight. In addition, raise the weight with soy healthier because it's low in fat or cholesterol

6 Ways To Optimally Healthy Diet

Losing weight and slimming the body or things that relate to the activity of the diet can be done by means of appropriate one is regulating his diet is good and correct.

6 Ways To Optimally Healthy Diet

Positive diet will certainly give it significant influence for your health, but if the diet you do without rules that do not regularly caused always violate some dietary restrictions, then the diet will not yield the maximum. Abstinence-abstinence while on the diet is certainly one of the rules in order for diet tips that are carried out successfully, thus the need as early as possible to find out what are the 6 ways to optimally healthy diet.

1. Regular Eating Patterns

Diet does not mean eating, however, a diet is a diet that regularly and in accordance with the conditions. Eating too much with a large portion will usually add to the fat in the body that can cause obesity, so from that set the appropriate meal simply applied is appropriate steps if you want to diet successfully.

2. Drink Water

Why drink water can maximize diet, what to do? well, ... water is not just a function of the basic necessities of our body, but it turns out that water is able to streamline and stabilize the body work. The fat content in the body will quickly burn through sweat and sweat we spend it will be smooth if accompanied by drinking lots of water accompanied by sports as a trigger.

3. Regular Exercise And Adequate Rest

A lot of people assume that diet is only done by reducing the consumption of a meal, it was a great one. In order to make your diet work optimally, then all you need to do is to exercise regularly. If the diet is not accompanied by a regular sports diet, then you would just be wasted.

In order for your diet smoothly and not damaged, then try to break the regular. The body also need a rest period, and if your just not regular breaks, then how will you succeed in completing the diet program.
4. Avoid Fatty Foods

If you are doing the diet, we recommend that you keep yourself from lust to consume foods that contain high fat diet can, however you do it, it won't work if you continue to consume foods that contain high fat levels.

5. Avoid The Habit Of Staying Up

Staying up needless, staying up is okay if there is a necessity. Your diet will be damaged if you are still not able to stop the habit of staying up for you. The analogy if staying out have become habits, certainly the work of the body that should have been the break is not stable and should still work with time and schedule is not appropriate, then if this is not stopped, obviously tired and sleepy eyes will be on the morning.

6. Keep Your Mind From Stress

It turns out that stress can impede the process of the body to the maximum when it should work as usual, generally people who stress and many thoughts will invite an irregular lifestyle, both in the keeping of food to maintain health of the body.

7 Reasons Why Your Diets Fail

7 reasons why your Diets fail

During this time most people feel to be able to tackle obesity should reduce the intake of food. When in fact the cause of obesity is not as simple as that. Many conditions that can lead to obesity however can not be overcome simply by eating. And again, the issue reduces itself did not reverse the easier & tastier meal.

In general the causes of obesity are derived from the more caloric intake of calories the body needs. For it is important to make sure the calories you eat is proportional to Your body's metabolism.

Here there are two main important part, i.e. the intake you consume as well as quantity of calories for the body's metabolism. And apparently there are many aspects that affected both of these ultimately became the reason why diets always failed.

And the following are some of the factors the causes of obesity that can mess up the appetite and metabolism.

1. Stress

Those who stress tends to be decreased body condition. On the one hand the pressure that appears usually tend to make a person tends to be lazy and not concentrate. This is actually an effect because the brains of depressed by stress so it's not able to effectively perform the concentration. While the concentration itself is one of the activities that require a lot of calories.

On the other hand stress make cortisol-producing brain working increases the appetite. That's why those who stress tend to prefer to eat and often snacking.

2. Habits And Life Style

In the era of modern convenience, quite a lot of work completed with sweet sitting before the computer or laptop. On the one hand, such advanced digital world are indeed provide plenty of practicality, but on the other hand also causes most humans so less moves.

This makes the combustion and formation of energy within their bodies become very reduced and ease they have fatness. Coupled with the habit of snacking while completing the work at the computer aggravates the condition.

3. Stop Smoking

Known side effects when someone stops smoking is becoming obese. Smoking has the effect of reducing the appetite, so that when someone stops smoking, they tend to be more hooked.

On the other hand, when someone quit smoking, heart rate and some other vital organs are experiencing significant pressure drop. The result is decreased heart rate and slows down the blood circulation that can lead to someone experiencing a decrease in metabolism. So at the beginning of the period of stop smoking usually they will become fatter.

4. Lack Of Sleep

Those who sleep less tend to experience problems at once in two things related to obesity. When a person is sleep-deprived, they usually have problems with appetite. They lose their appetite in a large portion, but become very ardent to snacking. Sudden love with food are very sweet, very salty, or even very spicy.

Then they sleep less tend to experience a decrease in metabolism. Hormones in the brain working in opposition due to the influence of the brain that lack of oxygen. And this causes a decrease in metabolism in large numbers.

That's why they are sleep-deprived often feel limp and difficult to concentrate. And because eating patterns they have a mess along with their hormonal conditions, then they are more easily experience the fatness.

5. Therapy Treatment 

Some types of drugs have a unique influence to the body and can be a cause of obesity. Some drugs work against a hormone in the brain that affect appetite as well as forming the hunger. Some medications that work as an anti depressant, anti migraine drug, and that work affects the nerves will give this kind of side effects.

Whereas some other drugs such as type of anti-inflammatory, sedative, and some kind of anti depressant going to work by lowering the body's metabolism. These drugs are indeed aimed at giving effect to relax and lose the rhythm so that the patient's blood circulation so more quiet and rest. And that's why it will also help to lower combustion and formation of energy.

Whereas some types of drugs that work by affecting the hormonal functions can sometimes cause the body store more fat reserves and water in the body. That's why some types of birth control pills can easily make people fat.

6. Have Illness

Some types of the disease affect the body's ability in performing combustion and energy production. So the sufferer will experience overweight because fat hoarding effect happens. Those who have a disease related to hypothyroid usually included in these conditions.

Cushing Syndrome disease conditions can also cause obesity. Usually the cause is hormonal effects in the body which causes a build-up of fat and water more often occur hand in hand with increased appetite are also often appear. They commonly experienced Cushing's syndrome is the person with lupus, asthma, and some other special conditions.

Don't forget those who suffered diabetes, when they are not in control of the intake of food, then they can be quite fat because people with diabetes metabolism very downhill plus resistance to insulin, the body so sugar just stacked up casually without processed into energy.

7. After The Diet

Some people run the extreme diets that cause them to lack adequate nutritional intake. At the time of the diet goes, the body will adapt to the lack of nutrients that enter so your metabolism will run slower.

And when the diet is over, then a slow metabolism condition will require a long time back to be able to adapt on the conditions of normal metabolism. This deceleration causes the intake you will not burn at maximum, so that the body becomes twice as fast fat.

So if Your diet till now not too satisfactory fruition failed, try to understand the first is from the 7 causes of overweight above you experienced? Diet can be so jammed or failed because you are still letting some conditions cause obesity

Consider! 3 Facts About Herbal Remedies

Consider! 3 Facts about Herbal remedies

When you consider herbal treatment, either for yourself or a loved one, maybe in your mind will be crossed a number of facts here.

Several studies have confirmed that the herbal remedy can be a solution treatment that is safe and without risk. Instead, some may also have heard of or even watched his own experience of several people who are consuming herbal remedies and failed to get an expected recovery.

Some even feel that his illness grew worse. After thinking it over, perhaps you will feel confused. However, such reaction is only natural. Let us refer to the explanation in this article that will help you make a good consideration in taking decisions.

3 Facts About Herbal Remedies

Consideration and to make good decisions, you need to know about important facts related things. The same is true in consideration of you to decide whether you want to run the herbal treatment or not.

You need to know a number of important facts surrounding herbal medicine because it will effect on your life or the person closest to you.

Because even though herbal remedies are safer than modern pharmaceutical medications, but herbal remedies instead of not at risk. Then, let's check out one-by-one the warnings and recommendations what should someone in mind when considering herbal remedies.

1. Herbal remedies cannot be Consumed in certain situations

What kind of situation does not allow a person consuming herbal remedies? First, people who drink a certain herbal remedies should be careful when about to undergo a medical procedure that requires anesthesia.

Dr. John Neeld, the President of the Assembly of the Anestesiolog Americans, explains, "based on experience, it has been reported that some of the popular types of medicinal plants, including Ginseng, can cause fluctuations in blood pressure. It can be very dangerous when given anesthesia. " 

This doctor added, "other medicinal plant, such as Ginkgo Biloba, Feverfew, ginger, and can interfere with blood clotting so very dangerous during epidural anesthesia is given — if there was bleeding near the spinal cord, the paralysis can happen."

Among the experts of United anesthesia recommends his patients to stop using certain herbal remedies at least two weeks before the operation.

The suggestion is given of the possibility of considering the risk of interactions between herbal remedies and medicine anesthesia, including an increased chance of increased blood pressure or bleeding during the operation.

Second, pregnant women and nursing mothers in particular should be vigilant will risk suffered by the mother and her baby due to use of certain herbal remedies or mengombinasikannya with conventional medicine.

It is obvious, it is very important to know the reactions that can occur when certain herbal remedies are used or combined with drugs prescribed.

So, you are encouraged to assess the situation and condition you are dealing with. You can ask yourself whether you are in a situation where you cannot use herbal remedies, such as the above situation?

2. Not everyone Fits with Certain Herbal remedies

A doctor who is studying herbal medicine and incorporated in the Association of Doctors of traditional Eastern Health Developers Indonesia, Prapti Utami, said, "Herbs can't be drunk carelessly because each individual response can be different from each other. Even though it's got the same complaints, not necessarily given suitable herbs between one patient and another patient. "

For example, the identity of the Netherlands known as slimming natural body, it is not suitable to use in people with gastric disorders because it has the effect of irritating the stomach.

Another example, Soursop leaf can also increase stomach acid when consumed in a prolonged period of time. Hence, it is important to find out about the benefits and effects of certain herbal remedies that interest you and then check whether the herbal remedy is suitable for Your body condition or not.

3. The Benefits Of Herbal Medicine Is Not As Fast As The Drug Chemistry

Once again, you need to check your situation. Why? In the case of an emergency such as bleeding eg, chemical drug better used because reaction is faster in coping with symptoms and attenuate the pain.

The same applies to the handling of patients in case of acute diseases such as cancer of late stage. Due to the nature of the emergency, conventional treatment such as surgery and surgery is more effective because it is relatively fast.

Unlike chemical drugs that work by addressing the symptoms, herbal remedy worked with centers on the source by improving overall body system in the sphere of cells, tissues, and organs that is problematic so it is expected that in the end, the body himself will fight against the disease.

That is, the reaction was not as fast as herbal medicine medicinal chemistry. For that reason, in a life threatening emergency situation, herbal medicine can not be used. Hence, it is important to examine the situation and your condition to determine whether you can use an herbal remedy or not.

Now, what if you have been considering Cook-Cook's situation and condition, and then decided to try herbal remedies? The number of outstanding herbal medicine products on the market will leave you confused vote.

You know ? 5 Myth Fat The Stomach

Belly fat, also called intra abdominal fat is a very dangerous type of fat which is the organ part in the immediate vicinity. The loss of belly fat within the first two weeks are the most important, because of changes in diet and exercise can provide weight loss significant enough within the time relatively short. Learn also about the fact how the body keep and lose belly fat. Then adjust your lifestyle for the sake of a fat loss maximum.

The following 5 belly fat myths that must be known:

1. Do Not Isolate The Belly Of A Muscle

You know ? 5 Myth Fat The Stomach

Abdominal fat, as well as other body fat, can not be removed in one piece wrote, by way of doing sports that just focused on certain parts of the course. Body fat needs to be removed by doing a combination of diet and exercise, from all parts of your body where the body fat is stored.

2. Do Not Let The Stomach Hunger

You know ? 5 Myth Fat The Stomach

Packed with the number of servings that too few will give a signal to your body to shift into fat storage mode. Therefore, eat a healthy breakfast, snacks, and fresh food. As information for women should not eat less than 1500 calories each day, while for men should not be less than 1700 calories.

3. Do Not Just Focused On A Diet And Exercise

You know ? 5 Myth Fat The Stomach

Although the two terms between diet and exercise is an important part of the discussion of the problem of fat, sleep and stress also plays an important role in reducing belly fat. Lack of sleep and stress is high, it will trigger your body to produce the hormone cortisol, which then makes your body store fat in the midsection (core).

4. Do Not Rely On A Diet Only With Fasting

You know ? 5 Myth Fat The Stomach

Diet by way of fasting is usually only effective for relieving weight when combined with a healthy diet, while the liquid diet does not give you the nutrients you need for continuity of weight loss. Instead, choose to change your eating habits with fresh products, low-fat protein, and whole grains.

5. Important Consideration, Not All The Fat Same

You know ? 5 Myth Fat The Stomach

Abdominal fat stored around Your organs is called visceral fat, the fat and increase your chance of suffering from diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. If you store fat on your thighs, buttocks, and arms, scientists believe it was healthier for you than potbellied.

Do You Like Healhty Life? Do 4 Lifestyle This!

Health is a choice. In daily life we have made that choice, starting from food consumption pattern, physical activity, mindset, good or bad habits will determine how our health in the future.

It is regrettable, by choice we have take it now not directly can we feel their influence on our bodies. So that we often neglect behavior daily. So, for example when we choose to smoked or do not smoke, possible influence felt is the same. Even, with the option smoking is are of the opinion that feel calm, confident, and more enjoy. For example again, if we compare our feelings when sitting watch tv, let alone to a counter of a favorite snack food at the table with the activity of the sports we do, i think most more enjoy watch tv than exercising.


It is important to remember, time has passed from day to day, months to year. Those good habits or evil although it seems small, will have a huge impact on health in the future.

Surviving customs healthy as well researched by "the health professional follow-up study". This study shows that man who have 4 surviving customs healthy:

1.  Do Not Smoke

2.  Not Overweight

3.  Physically Active

4.  Not Consume Alcohol 

Have the risk of heart attacks 90 % lower in 16 years than group on the other hand. Almost two out of three occurrences of a disease coronary can be prevented with 4 healthy patterns of living that. So, do not considered small habits, behavior, your lifestyle. Although the habit not your feel as a result that time, in a long time he will determine healthy or failure you, and perhaps you... Unfortunately, investigators would be around 5 percent of us consistent undergo a healthy lifestyle daily.