Did You Know if drinking Coffee Can Prevent The 4 Dangerous Diseases

Indeed sometimes coffee was considered only help when being sleepy because of the caffeine that can help. Even the presence of caffeine content in coffee often shunned people.

But behind it all, there's another benefit of coffee, namely could prevent some dangerous diseases. But remember in a reasonable measure, because if consume excessive coffee can indeed be bad for health, too.

Do You Know If Drinking Coffee Can Prevent The 4 Dangerous Diseases

Well than curious, what kind of dangerous diseases that can be prevented by drinking coffee? This Beirkut more information.

1. Prevent Diseases Parkinston

Do you know if drinking coffee may reduce the risk of disease parkinston. Parkinston this is a disease due to degeneration of the nerve cells of fungi is indicated with a sense of shaking and the weakening of nerves.

According to research that is in the "Journal Of the American Medical Association" in 2000 declared a coffee can lower the risk of disease parkinston which baisanya occur in the elderly.

2. Reduce The Risk Of Disease Deabetes

Do you know if your diabetes has a high figure for sufferers in Indonesia. Many illnesses suffered by most of these urban communities is very dangerous.

According to research conducted by testing eliminates the habit of drinking coffee on a person who habitually drink coffee, the results indicate there are linkages with coffee intake inflammatory that the cause of diabetes.

From this research reveals if drinking coffee can lower the levels of isoprostan and interlukin. In addition, this coffee can also increase HDL and lower LDL levels.

3. Liver Cancer

Already know right, if this cancer into the most dangerous diseases, let alone occurred in the liver. As expressed by "the Journal Of the National Cancer Institute" coffee "is useful to prevent the risk of cancer of the liver.

4. Prostate Cancer

According to Scince Daily if drinking coffee could help prevent the occurrence of prostate cancer. This is due to the caffeine it contains antioxidants and minerals.

Well that last was another benefit of drinking coffee that was able to prevent dangerous diseases. But still always note in consume coffee, do not be too excessive. May be useful.

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