Health is a choice. In daily life we have made that choice, starting from food consumption pattern, physical activity, mindset, good or bad habits will determine how our health in the future.
It is regrettable, by choice we have take it now not directly can we feel their influence on our bodies. So that we often neglect behavior daily. So, for example when we choose to smoked or do not smoke, possible influence felt is the same. Even, with the option smoking is are of the opinion that feel calm, confident, and more enjoy. For example again, if we compare our feelings when sitting watch tv, let alone to a counter of a favorite snack food at the table with the activity of the sports we do, i think most more enjoy watch tv than exercising.
It is important to remember, time has passed from day to day, months to year. Those good habits or evil although it seems small, will have a huge impact on health in the future.
Surviving customs healthy as well researched by "the health professional follow-up study". This study shows that man who have 4 surviving customs healthy:
1. Do Not Smoke
2. Not Overweight
3. Physically Active
4. Not Consume Alcohol
2. Not Overweight
3. Physically Active
4. Not Consume Alcohol
Have the risk of heart attacks 90 % lower in 16 years than group on the other hand. Almost two out of three occurrences of a disease coronary can be prevented with 4 healthy patterns of living that. So, do not considered small habits, behavior, your lifestyle. Although the habit not your feel as a result that time, in a long time he will determine healthy or failure you, and perhaps you... Unfortunately, investigators would be around 5 percent of us consistent undergo a healthy lifestyle daily.